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Credit Card


Welcome to TradelineXpress, where we provide tradelines and come up with personalized strategies for our clients to focus on developing financial independency and accomplish any lending needs.



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In order to learn more about our program and its benefits click here 


Click here to schedule a consultation to see which tradeline is a perfect fit for you

Taking Your Credit to
the Next Level to Be Financially Independent



Years of Experience


Qualified Experts


Clients Every Year


Intl. Partners

Credit Card


Our Expert Is the Finest

Michael Jon-Baptiste is fueled by his passion for understanding and teaching others how credit works. He considers himself a “forever student” to credit. Learning creative ways to build on his personal credit and the significance of utilizing data points that helps make a perfect credit score. Also understanding the importance of leveraging credit. As a freshman at Baton Rouge Community College, his mom continuously mentioned the importance of credit and not to follow the path she had taken; struggling to comeback from her errors. She encouraged him to stay on top of his credit, and that’s exactly what he did. Michael then started his journey learning about credit, in over 10 years, Michael has accumulated over 15+ credit cards and has over $150,000 in credit cards limit while maintaining an 800+ credit score. Michael is serious about breaking generational curses and wants to give out as much knowledge as he can to motivate his peers and the next generation to seek financial literacy.

Credit Card
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Glimpse at our Expert's personal scores. To show that financial independence can be achieved through knowledge and due diligence, let Michael help you achieve your lending goals.

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Check out these frequently asked questions

1. Who can benefit from tradelines? 

With TradelineXpress, anyone can benefit from tradelines. They are a great tool that can help you accomplish your lending needs for any type of consumer lending loans which may include mortgages, autos, credit cards, business or personal loans. 


2. What if I have a zero-credit score? 

Individuals that do not have any credit established, have what is called a thin file. Additional steps is required to complete the process. However, in most cases they have an advantage over anyone with established credit. Scores can increase into the upper 700’s from just adding a single tradeline. Adding more line to have 2 or 3 total can result in better odds of approval. As lenders usually do not give approvals with only a single credit reference on a report. 


3. Do you work with CPNs? 

We do not work with CPNs 


4. How long does it take? 

Tradelines take on average, within two weeks to post 

after the statement date. 


5. How long does it last? 

All our tradelines are sold for a minimum of 2 

cycles, which is approximately 47-60 days. 


6. Can I buy lines for more than two cycles? 

Yes, we can extend an order if circumstances call for it. We do require advance notice of three weeks before the line will drop off.


7. If I have negative marks on my credit will a tradeline help me boost my score? 

Any positive data you put on your report will have an impact. How much depends on what you already have on your reports. We recommend that people try to get themselves into the best possible position to take maximum advantage of the tradeline(s) boost. 


8. How many tradelines do I need to boost my score? We usually suggest a minimum of 2, and sometimes 3. In specific cases, one solid tradeline (larger limit/history) may get you the score you need. 


9. Can I buy tradelines for only one cycle? No 


10. Do you verify my information? 

Yes, we do our due diligence to make sure that all 

customers who purchase from us are who they say they are and are representing their true data.


11. Is my Information safe?

Yes, any information obtained is secure and will only be used for the purpose of soft pulling your credit report and to add you as a user to the tradeline selected. No information will be sold to a third party.



“Within 1 month of purchasing a tradeline with Tradeline express my credit score increased by 25 points which I only needed 6 to apply for my mortgage! ”

- Josh Phillips


Let’s Work Together

Michael Jon-Baptiste


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